Learning in the fast lane

Looking to elevate your filmmaking no holds bared?

Mastering all the aspects of audio-visual filmmaking required to create emotive films for your clients amidst the throws of family life and running your own business can be a daunting task. Knowing the level of technical and creative mastery you want to obtain yet struggling to find an efficient way to get there only adds to the frustration.

If you lack the time to commit to a comprehensive course tailored for birth videographers that covers everything...cough... SSBV... cough 😉— it’s time to streamline the process. Tap into the vast experience and knowledge of award winning / artisan filmmaker Dania Lauren Dania has to offer with a student lead mentorship session tailor-made just for you.

Ideal for birth videographers who are keen to take their storytelling to the next level and fast-track their development—our fully personalised Keepsake Filmmaking Mentorship sessions is your ticket to the learning fast lane.

Keepsake Filmmaking Session

Tailor made mentorship with Dania Lauren (60 Mins)

Our student lead one-on-one mentorship sessions give you the opportunity to customise your own learning experience and tap into the vast experience and knowledge industry leading birth videography Dania Lauren has to offer. Want to dive into the fundamentals of storytelling or get your geek on and talk tech? We're here for you. Keen to engage in a reimagining of birth films or focus on a specific aspect of filmmaking—the choice is yours!


how does it work?

Setting up a Keepsake Filmmaking Session with Dania Lauren

  • Purchase your session to access your 'Keepsake Filmmaking Session' course player

  • Get in contact with us directly or follow instructions in your Keepsake Filmmaking Mentorship Session course player

  • Answer our quick questionnaire to help us get to know you and what areas of filmmaking you are wanting to focus on during our session

  • Select a date and time for your mentorship session

  • Connect with Dania Lauren (via Zoom) for your live mentorship session


my story

I'm Canadian born with Pines and Cedars and icy cold rivers running deep in my veins. However, Australia has been my home now for over half my life. I also love Mexican food, Coffee and Anne of Green Gables.

I fell in love with photography after I received my first DSLR at 17 yrs old, but my love for storytelling goes back even further to creating stories with anything I could get my hands on: Pen and paper, cassette tapes, in camera hi-8 edits, the list goes on! I was always creating stories.

After I finished high school I joined a documentary filmmaking team where I was exposed to all the aspects of run & gun videography, but I would say my storytelling strength and passion is editing. I enjoy the challenge of creating innovative films for my clients that draws viewers into an immersive audio visual experience.

Dania Lauren

Instructor / Artisan Filmmaker

Birth Videographer of the Year Awards 2022

Dania Lauren — Lauren + Douglas Photography and Films

  • Birth Videographer of the Year 2022 Gold Award 'The Birth of Finn'
  • Birth Videographer of the Year—Second Place