discover creative traction

Hungry for inspiration that will breath fresh life into your filmmaking?

As creatives this is a feeling I'm sure we can all relate to. To a certain degree scriptwriting / filmmaking is a grindy, grindy process that needs to be embraced—but, sometimes it takes a fresh perspective to help us see beyond our own limitations. After all as the saying goes... "we don't know what we don't know."

You don't need to continue wasting valuable time and energy trying to nut out the nuances and complexities of editing by yourself. Fast track your creative process by tapping into the unique skills and knowledge of multi-award winning filmmaker Dania Lauren has to offer. When it comes to crafting immersive audio-visual birth films that connect with the audience at heart level, Dania has the experience to meet you where you're at in the editing process and bring perspective that will spark inspiration for the next step.

If you've hit a wall in your editing of a client project and need help finding creative traction, our 'Filmmakers Progress Critique + Live Feedback Session' is the perfect opportunity to unlock fresh inspiration and help take your edit to the next level!

how does it work?

Setting up a 'filmmakers progress critique + live feedback' session

  • Purchase your session to access your 'Filmmakers Progress Critique + Live Feedback' session course player

  • Follow instructions in your 'Filmmakers Progress Critique + Live Feedback' session course player

  • Help us get to know you and your film by answering our quick survey

  • Select a date and time for live co-edit session with Dania Lauren

  • Upload your edit to dropbox link provided (72 hours before live session)

  • Connect with Dania Lauren via Zoom for live feedback + Q&A session (1 hour)

Get to know us

Our story

I'm Canadian born with Pines and Cedars and icy cold rivers running deep in my veins. However, Australia has been my home now for over half my life. I also love Mexican food, Coffee and Anne of Green Gables.

I fell in love with photography after I received my first DSLR at 17 yrs old, but my love for storytelling goes back even further to creating stories with anything I could get my hands on: Pen and paper, cassette tapes, in camera hi-8 edits, the list goes on! I was always creating stories.

After I finished high school I joined a documentary filmmaking team where I was exposed to all the aspects of run & gun videography, but I would say my storytelling strength and passion is editing. I enjoy the challenge of creating innovative films for my clients that draws viewers into an immersive audio visual experience.

Dania Lauren

Instructor / Artisan Filmmaker

Get to know us

Our story

I have formal training in Graphic Design, but it was during a 15 year stint working with a documentary filmmaking team that I gained experience in the art of storytelling, and perhaps more importantly met my wife!

My role now is House Dad (aka Kid Wrangler) but I can’t help getting involved in the odd side project i.e., Soulful Storytellers! I’m a conflicted creative—torn between the convenience of technology and a yearning for a simpler life. I’m a wanna-be adventurer, but for now, sport—primarily ballin’—is my go-to happy place.

My strengths in storytelling are filming live action and critiquing / problem solving in editing. I'm excited to be involved in helping birth storytellers make the transition into videography, whether that be learning the basics, or taking their films to the next level!

Andrew Douglas

Instructor / Creative Director

Discover your potential, starting today